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网赌游戏软件有哪些 so it is very listenable and watchable. -网赌游戏软件有哪些(网赌游戏)-登录入口

发布日期:2024-06-14 04:42    点击次数:164


网赌游戏软件有哪些 so it is very listenable and watchable.            -网赌游戏软件有哪些(网赌游戏)-登录入口

(原标题:Marco Polo’s performer: Chinese original opera combines Chinese and Western ethnic elements)

21世纪经济报谈记者胡慧茵 广州报谈

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Italy. At the same time, in order to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the death of the legendary Italian traveler Marco Polo, the Guangzhou Grand Theater recently re-staged the original opera "Marco Polo". The play will be performed on May 3rd and 4th.

On May 2, reporters from 21st Century Business Herald visited the crew at the Guangzhou Grand Theater and had a direct look at the rehearsal scene. Marco Polo’s performer Feng Guodong told the reporter that the opera has many Western and Chinese elements. The composer's composition, as well as our entire stage design and performance all incorporate Chinese and Western ethnic elements, so it is very listenable and watchable.